Retouching portrait photos
It’s important to pay attention to detail when retouching portrait photos. Depending on what they will be used for, portrait photos should be retouched differently.
PimpYou differentiates between:
- natural portraits, slight retouching
- intense retouching
- artificial retouching
Natural portraits, slight retouching
We also call this type of retouching a slight beauty retouching. It’s common for photos that will be used on LinkedIn or CVs. It’s important to keep the retouching natural, especially when the finished products are supposed to represent a professional identity.
That doesn’t mean, that you can’t get rid of your spots or your red cheeks; a slight retouching can make your skin glow without changing what you really look like. We can remove impurities and lessen the effect of under eye circles.
What we can retouch:
- smooth skin
- clear Skin
- remove spots
- clean skin
- darken skin
- lighten skin
- natural beauty retouching
- change hair colour
- make hair shine
- touching up roots
Changing the face
- slim down face
- nose job with Photoshop
- change nose
Eyes, lips and teeth
- change eye colour
- remove red eyes
- whiten teeth, make eyes shine
- eye make-up, thicker lashes
- shape eyebrows, pluck eyebrows
- add missing teeth, adjust crooked teeth
Intense retouching
Intense retouching does not automatically result in an artificial looking portrait (even though we can do that, too). We can change a lot without making it look fake; that’s an interesting service for profile pictures and sedcards.

With an intense retouching, we make skin look smooth and glowing, we can change hair colours and even face shapes. It’s also possible to open the eyes more to completely change the look of a person.
Artificial retouching
This is a type of retouching common in the modeling world. Nobody’s trying to make the portrait look natural with these kinds of images; it’s all about art, and making an impression. Especially when pictures are printed or viewed in a small format, it might work better to overedit images to make the effect more obvious.